Saturday, November 19, 2016

Library Time

Planet Bravo and Wixie

 We have learned to add multiple pages and to insert the page numbers.  Once we were finished, we learned how to insert different stickers to each page.

60th Day of School

 Zero the Hero brought us Fruit Loops for our treat.  We made six groups of tens to celebrate the day.

Manner's Feast and Turkey Crowns

STEM: Building A Shelter

 For their first STEM project, the class did a great job!

Wixie: Recreating A Story

 This week during our Planet Bravo class, we had to choose our favorite story and create a scene from that story.


 We started learning how to use a new program called Wixie during our Planet Bravo class.  During this lesson we were learning how to insert shapes and fill them in with different colors.

November Birthday Celebrations